Live your most intimate & fulfilling sex life

Surrogate Partner Therapy

What is Surrogate Partner Therapy?

A surrogate partner therapy is a form of experiential, hands-on therapy that is facilitated by a caring practitioner who is professionally trained in the process of working with people who are experiencing problems concerning sexuality and intimacy. We refer clients to surrogate partners that are members of the International Professional Surrogates Association (IPSA), who work in conjunction with the surrogate and the therapeutic professional.

During sex surrogate therapy, members are taught physical touch exercises known as sensate touch (also called the sensate focus). These exercises involve physical touch exercises and body explorations and help people learn to relax and gain confidence, enjoying experiences sensual and sensual.

Who should see a sex surrogate?

We have found with our practice that there are certain clients who can really benefit from the more intimate, hands-on work that a surrogate partner can offer, especially individuals who have little to no sexual experience, virgins, or those who wish to gain more skills and experience in order to be more prepared when dating. On an emotional, relational, and physical level, the surrogate partner helps clients to develop the confidence, skills, and tools they need to achieve their goals. Surrogate mothers can be either female or male, and they often work with clients of all sexes.

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Whether you have a history of sexual trauma, social or sexual dysfunction, premature ejaculation, unresolved childhood issues, conflicts with intimacy, difficulty achieving orgasm, or fatigue caused by demanding or significant sex, you might benefit from surrogate partner therapy.

How do we find a sex surrogate?

In Surrogate Partner Therapy, the three-person team of therapists, surrogates, and clients work together in order to achieve the best results. Sometimes the surrogate calls in order to complete the therapeutic trio. They are sometimes reaching out to a surrogate. The client will typically alternate sessions between the therapist and the surrogate partner. Together, the surrogate partner and I work out and evaluate each client’s process and decide what the next steps are, working together for the benefit of the client’s progress and learning.

Some clients contact us for a number of reasons: they’ve been referred to us by a surrogate partner, and they are looking for support for beginning Surrogate Partner Therapy. There is no doubt that working with a sex surrogate is a very intimate and experiential process that requires the support of a therapist on both sides so that the client and surrogate partner can work through and evaluate what occurs in the sessions.

There is a professional, therapeutic relationship between the client and surrogate – it is not a traditional romantic relationship, but it is a close, affectionate, sensual, sexual, and intimacy-building relationship. We provide a safe environment for you to express your concerns and to work with your surrogate partner.

Is Surrogate Partner Therapy legal?

The Surrogate Partner Therapy was originally developed by Masters and Johnson in 1970 – it is a structured and well-described method based on a well-defined process. A code of ethics has been developed by the International Professional Surrogates Association (IPSA). It is important to note that IPSA members are committed to upholding this code of ethics, have received professional training, and have achieved professional competency.

The treatment of surrogate partners is not a form of prostitution. Surrogate partners are looking for certified, professional, and educational help when they are working with surrogate partners.

Is Surrogate Partner Therapy right for us?

For some people who are struggling with their sexuality, sexual surrogacy can be extremely helpful. A professional referral is required if you are working with a sex surrogate. Sexual bodywork, sex coaching, or sex therapy are good places to start.

We look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions regarding how working with a surrogate partner can help you develop your sexuality, or if you’re interested in sex coaching or sexological bodywork, please contact us for a complimentary consultation.

If you are on the journey of achieving your goals for love and intimacy, we are here to help you reach them.

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